firstwivesworld - The Game That&#039;s Killing My Marriage - Comments Comments for "The Game That's Killing My Marriage" en addicted my husband is addicted to sports all kinds. He gone every night to a sport then when he does come he goes to his bedroom and watches sports and plays them on his hand held.Its hard. Wed, 30 Jan 2008 19:49:19 -0500 Guest comment 4171 at no need to be embarassed Been there too. My spouse spent thousands over a 25 year marriage on games. Video, computer, and board games. I too have been labeled a kill-joy, even though I asked him to go hiking with me, walking, or whatever else. I learned to hate most games (family games not included). You have my hugs and support. Sat, 26 Jan 2008 10:14:33 -0500 Gwyn comment 4116 at Embarrassed? Why Sounded a LOT like my (nearly ex) husband's addiction to online gambling. A hobby, he called it. The only one he had, and how DARE I even suggest that is an addiction? Money aside, I can completely relate to your tale of woe. I felt pushed aside, ignored, unimportant, even though I had plenty to keep me busy in his absence. Hmmm. Thanks for writing! Sat, 26 Jan 2008 09:49:39 -0500 Guest comment 4115 at Addictions come in many Addictions come in many forms- and it's embarrassing, no matter what. I feel for you- what happened from there? CM Sat, 26 Jan 2008 09:48:03 -0500 Guest comment 4114 at The Game That's Killing My Marriage <p>Up until now I have been pretty vague in my writing about why my husband and I went through a nearly two-year period of him treating me badly. It's embarrassing to write about this, and I'm afraid that some of you won't understand where I'm coming from, but here it goes nonetheless.</p><p>I've mentioned before that my husband loves video games, much to my chagrin. A couple of years ago he bought the game World of Warcraft upon the recommendation of his brother. This is a computer game that people play together online, and from what I understand it involves running around slaying dragons and stuff like that. I've never played it, so I only know what I've read about it and what I've witnessed over my husband's shoulder.</p><p>It began innocently enough with him playing a couple of hours every few days, but soon I noticed that he was making more and more time for the game. Within the span of a week or so he went from occasional player to playing every night. After the kids were in bed there he would be, parked in front of the computer, and there he would stay until around 2 a.m., even on work nights. Back then our kids headed to bed around 6:30, so that means he would spend around seven hours every light playing. He would get up to go to the bathroom, and once in a while he would indulge me in some conversation, but most of the time there he was, playing that stupid game.</p><p>I know men need their manly hobbies, but this particular hobby was consuming him. He gained weight, he was often late to work, and any time I tried to approach him about it he got incredibly defensive. He once told me, &quot;Every time I find something I like to do, you become such a kill-joy!&quot; It became obvious to me that this game was becoming an addiction, and not only was it incredibly frustrating but it was embarrassing as well. How do you confide in people that your husband is addicted to a teenage pastime without people giggling?<br /><br /> </p> Mind and Spirit Kids and Family Leisure and Fun Contemplating Divorce Sat, 26 Jan 2008 09:00:00 -0500 Megan Thomas 4981 at