firstwivesworld - Learning To Trust The Woman In the Mirror - Comments Comments for "Learning To Trust The Woman In the Mirror" en yes- you've got to love yes- you've got to love yourself first- it's hard, but so attainable. CM Wed, 23 Jan 2008 21:03:21 -0500 Guest comment 4069 at Learning To Trust The Woman In the Mirror <p>I often wonder who this person is looking back at me from my bathroom mirror. What makes this even more confusing is that it varies from day to day. </p> <p>One day she is my best friend, a person I can trust. Someone who has known me forever. Knows my weaknesses and is there to help and protect my inner self from the cruel outside world. I enjoy days like this when I am feeling confident and aware of my place in the world. Feeling as if I am a productive parent and a good friend.</p> <p>Then there are the days when I do not like this person or the choices they have made. I feel this person is not qualified to make sound decisions and should not be trusted. I know this stems from my mistakes in life and I have a hard time letting myself off the hook for such things. These are the days I am feeling insecure about myself and my life as it is now.</p> <p>Other times I float comfortably somewhere in the middle. I think this is the best place for me. I am aware of where I have been and am comfortable with the journey ahead of me.</p> <p>I know all this is just part of becoming comfortable in my own post-divorce skin. There are things I regret and things I know were the right thing to do. It will be a growing process, learning to stand alone again and feel strong doing it. I am up for the challenge. </p> Mind and Spirit Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 23 Jan 2008 16:00:00 -0500 Rhonda Harris 4897 at