firstwivesworld - I Can’t Afford To Pay The Divorce Lawyer - Comments Comments for "I Can’t Afford To Pay The Divorce Lawyer" en Temporary court orders... Do you not have temporary orders that deal with the housing issue and child support? Temporary orders are your first line of financial protection. I'm not sure I would continue to pay an attorney who hasn't made sure his/her client was protected in the interim...Cathy Meyer Tue, 22 Jan 2008 12:49:53 -0500 Guest comment 4050 at I Can’t Afford To Pay The Divorce Lawyer <p>Agh!</p> <p>I've reached the point — again — where I need to replenish my attorney fees. I'm going to have to open a new credit card or borrow money from someone. I will also probably have to not make payments on my house.</p> <p>My ex refuses to pay any portion of the house, even though he's aware of the repercussions of the home not being paid. He just doesn't want to assist me financially. It took him months to even provide any child support payments, and he only did that because he knew it was considered to be temporary.</p> <p>I hate that people can be so cruel during this process. I mean, I know my attorney needs to be paid. But, does everyone have to be such an ass all the time? Why can't he just say, look, I'll pay a portion of the payment, but let's agree to put the house on the market, and we'll go from there?</p> <p>I can make reasonable decisions, but not with someone else's name attached to everything I do, you know? I wish there were some easier options than what I'm going through. Financially, I'm going to be in ruins for a while.</p> <p>But, after all is said and done, I will have paid to be freed from a horribly abusive relationship, and I'm really okay with that. Of course I wish that weren't the case, but the money involved is worth the investment.</p> Money and Finance Contemplating Divorce Tue, 22 Jan 2008 11:00:00 -0500 Taylor Raine 4874 at