firstwivesworld - 10 Tips For Managing Your Settlement - Comments Comments for "10 Tips For Managing Your Settlement" en 10 Tips For Managing Your Settlement <p>Coming into money can be life-changing, regardless of the circumstances under which you receive it. Financial windfalls, such as divorce settlements, usually unleash as many dreams of what to buy as they do dollars to spend. </p><p>Whether that chunk of money is thousands or millions, wise planning can make those dollars work to improve your financial future.<br /><br /><b>Your Money Mentality:</b> Take a moment to ask yourself a few questions. What does wealth mean to you? Are you a saver or a spender? Do you live below, at, or above your means? How do you feel about debt? </p><p>Receiving a settlement carries with it ample opportunities, the first of which is a chance to start fresh with an honest evaluation of your personal money personality. Experts say attitudes toward money don't necessarily change in accordance with bank balances. So, it's important to understand your motivators and potential pitfalls. You may not like the truth you uncover, but you can always improve if you know where to start. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Money and Finance All Things Legal Navigating Divorce Moving Beyond Divorce Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:25:15 -0500 Kate Vunic 4549 at