firstwivesworld - Looking To Fulfill My Purpose - Comments Comments for "Looking To Fulfill My Purpose" en I really like your boldness, Akillah <p>You seem to have much courage. I envy that. To muster the strength to do so much in life on your own. It's inspiring for me. It's good you're back at school and that you're on a journey! Can't wait to see where it leads.<br /> More power to you, to all of us, Jennifer :)</p> Sat, 28 Jul 2007 21:34:20 -0400 Guest comment 1317 at It sounds as if you have a <p>It sounds as if you have a very healthy outlook on the next chapter of your life! Good for you for moving on and being forward thinking. So many of us focus on the negative- and you have a choice whether or not you allow the bad to influence you, or to move on and realize your full potential. Good luck!</p> <p>-CM</p> Sat, 28 Jul 2007 12:11:19 -0400 Guest comment 1311 at Looking To Fulfill My Purpose <p>The time I was going through my divorce was an extremely unstable one for me, just as I imagine it would be for anyone. I had separated from the military not even two years before, and hadn't been able to secure substantial, meaningful employment. </p><p>Worse than having nothing, I felt as if I had less than nothing. I wasn't gainfully employed, I was uneducated (I didn't have a B.A. and am working on completing that now), divorced and without family (I was in Colorado, they were in Florida). By the time my divorce became final, I knew I had to take drastic measures if I wanted to turn my life around and fulfill my purpose on this planet.</p><p>By mid-April of the year I got my divorce, I was on the road to California to start over and attempt to mend my life. San Francisco and the Bay Area really agreed with me and it didn't take long before I was gainfully employed and on my way to being happy. I tried everything I could while I was there, as I had no real idea what I liked to do as an adult. I took dance lessons, kickboxing, skiing, kayaking, you name it. After a year of working very hard to reestablish myself (for a time, I held two jobs), I found myself wanting to go back to school.</p><p>I enrolled at Skyline College (a local community college), a move that proved to be beneficial. After almost 10 years of not thinking academically, I was finally challenged and allowed my curiosity to run wild. At Skyline, I also found my friend and mentor, Michael Moynihan PhD., and a professor of Sociology. Professor Moynihan spurred me to complete my studies at Columbia University in New York, where I'm now attending school.<br /><br />The current chapter of my saga finds me here in New York and the hallowed halls of Columbia where I am finishing my last year of studies as a Sociology major. I've been on a remarkable journey up to this point, and I look forward to each day just to see what else will unfold before me.</p> career and pursuits divorce mind and spirit moving beyond divorce Mind and Spirit Career and Pursuits All Things Legal Moving Beyond Divorce Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:33:53 -0400 Akillah Wali 441 at