firstwivesworld - I Will Never Have A Golden Anniversary - Comments Comments for "I Will Never Have A Golden Anniversary" en Yes, it's amazing- but try Yes, it's amazing- but try not to focus on what you don't have- focus on what you do have- and what you can attain in time. The positive has a wonderful way of coming out on top- you have to believe you are worthy. It is wonderful that your parents have had a long-lasting marriage. But don't see that as a failure for you! Your life experience is unique to everyone else's. That's what makes each of us special- including you. Celebrate your own accomplishments! CM Sat, 29 Dec 2007 22:22:22 -0500 Guest comment 3757 at I Will Never Have A Golden Anniversary <p>This is a tough pill to swallow if you think about it. It is for me anyway.</p> <p>Mom and Dad have been married for 47 years. They have three children, 10 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild, and on most days still actually enjoy each others company. They spend their winters in Texas and their summers in Michigan with the family. They've had good times and bad , like any married couple has.</p> <p>What makes them so different than myself? They made it! And, by the way, &quot;it&quot; isn't always easy. Trust me.</p> <p>This is beyond amazing to me considering I just came out of my third divorce. They have been in love longer than I have even known any living person.</p> <p>I have to admit, this makes me a bit sad at times about what my future holds. I'm turning 40 next month. If I met someone right now and got married, by the time we reached out golden anniversary I would be 90. Did I mention that I'm a smoker and do not exercise regularly? That isn't even taking into account my poor diet. The odds are that I will never experience anything close to the longevity they share.</p> <p> Does that make me a failure? No! But it does make me wonder what it would be like to love someone that much for that long.</p> <p>Way to go Mom and Dad. Love you! </p> Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:00:00 -0500 Rhonda Harris 4181 at