firstwivesworld - Remembering Holidays Past - Comments Comments for "Remembering Holidays Past" en memories Even though you don't sled anymore, what a wonderful memory. I love looking back in time and sharing stories of younger days and carefree living! Thank you for sharing. Happy Holidays! CM Thu, 27 Dec 2007 14:12:44 -0500 Guest comment 3729 at Remembering Holidays Past <p>I grew up on a pig farm in rural Wisconsin. Now, I live in Manhattan. I have truly lived on both sides of the spectrum!</p> <p>When I was child, we had a huge hill that we used for our sledding hill. The first few runs were a little tough, but as soon as the snow was smoothed down and perhaps a little ice on top, that sled would fly! </p> <p>Usually, there was a pile of plowed snow near the bottom which would stop us from coasting out into the snow covered corn fields. However, one December morning, my brother and I had a little sledding accident.</p> <p>The snow was sparkling and I had received a new sled Christmas morning. My brother and I raced out to try it out. It was my gift, so of course, I wanted to sit in front. My father hadn't plowed, so there was nothing to stop us from coasting to the other side of the field — nothing except for the silo.</p> <p>We took off in the sled at record speeds and I hadn't quite expected the momentum we would have. I looked up to see us racing right towards the silo. I tried to turn, but couldn't! We hit that silo and since I was in the front, my nose took the silo head on. My little brother just fell off the back unhurt, but I was mess. My little brother had a speech problem and leaned over me and said, &quot;Bicky, are you o-tay?&quot; </p> <p>Let's just say sledding is not my favorite activity anymore. Here's to a whole holiday season without incident or injury. </p> Kids and Family Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 27 Dec 2007 09:00:00 -0500 Vicky Emerson 4113 at