firstwivesworld - A Student Of Life - Comments Comments for "A Student Of Life" en letting go is a good way of looking at it.. This is the time of year that is is very easy for me to remember holidays of the past with such longing and sadness, and I have almost always blamed my divorce for being miserable this time of year. As I think of it, and as I become a better student, I am more aware that the changes that take place in our lives aren't necessarily the "result" of an action, such as divorce. I need to be a better student to learn that just getting older, children growing up, parents growing older and all sorts of other reasons change the holidays. Letting go does not mean pushing away. Letting go allows us to catagorize, file, and keep. Keep studying! Sun, 23 Dec 2007 17:21:18 -0500 trish55 comment 3698 at it's always hard to accept it's always hard to accept change. But, it is necessary for growth in all areas of life. Good luck- you will be stronger... CM Sat, 22 Dec 2007 18:10:16 -0500 Guest comment 3693 at A Student Of Life <p>I mentioned in a previous post how I feel like a student of life again. The lessons I'm learning are more difficult than the ones I had to learn as a child. Say &quot;please&quot; and &quot;thank you.&quot; Don't interrupt. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. I guess they are good lessons, but the ones I am learning now are a bit different and way more challenging.</p><p>This Christmas has taught me about letting go of the past. I won't see my parents or my brother this year for Christmas. It has bothered me immensely that this won't happen. It is the first time I won't see them for the holidays. Schedules and some health problems have made it impossible. Their absence has crossed my mind every day and it saddens me. </p><p>However, this is a situation I can't fix it and it's out of my control. I'm trying to let go and see the beauty in a Christmas with my fiancé's family, but my heart wants to experience the special traditions I've had all my life. I guess I can look to the future instead of the past, and hope the scenario will be different next year. </p><p>Accepting change has never been my strongest trait, and letting go is definitely something I do not excel at. Perhaps as I get older, I will become a better student.</p> Mind and Spirit Kids and Family Moving Beyond Divorce Sat, 22 Dec 2007 17:00:00 -0500 Vicky Emerson 3974 at