firstwivesworld - How Much Is Divorce Costing You? - Comments Comments for "How Much Is Divorce Costing You?" en How Much Is Divorce Costing You? <p>I have calculated that since the time my ex and I separated, back in July, that I have accumulated over $10,000 worth of attorney's expenses. So, that averages to $1,666 per month, which sadly enough is very close to my individual take-home salary.</p> <p>My case isn't going to end quickly. Because there is a child custody dispute issue, my trial might not even be until July of next year.</p> <p>I'm a fairly financially savvy individual, and I'm feeling the pressure of the continued attorney bills that are going to come my way, through the process of an upcoming trial.</p> <p>Not only is the accruing debt insurmountable, but I need to make some decisions in the interim about my home, job, and the expenses that are associated with both. I admit, I've not always been a financially fit gal. I sacrificed a lot of peace of mind that I wanted in life to support my husband's dream of everything bigger and better, and to make more and more money to have the &quot;grass on the other side of the fence.&quot;</p><p>Wonder if he likes his grass now...</p> <p>I certainly am not chipper about mine, but want to try and be a responsible person with the circumstances of this divorce so that I can piece my life back together and move on. It sucks to look at figures this way and say, my divorce is costing me over $1,000 a month — but I do know, that if I had stayed in my marriage, I would have lost a lot more than money. I have no regrets, just want to make some sound decisions.</p> <p>How much has your divorce cost you?</p> Kids and Family Money and Finance All Things Legal Navigating Divorce Wed, 19 Dec 2007 13:00:00 -0500 Taylor Raine 3707 at