First Wives World - The Drama Is Just Beginning - Comments Comments for "The Drama Is Just Beginning" en The Drama Is Just Beginning <p>Tom and I talked on the phone for about an hour last night, and everything is cool between us. As much as I thought I wanted — and fantasized about — more with him, he just didn't rock my world. I tried. I hoped it would happen. It just didn't. </p><p>And I guess it's the same for him. I'm sure the fantasies will still be there, and I'll still share them with him when they wake me up at four in the morning thinking I have just had the greatest sex of my life. Just so long as I don't have to bring them to reality.</p><p>I guess I am lucky to have such a great friend. And, as soon as we decided that the kissing just shouldn't of happened, we slipped into conversation about <i>The Dick</i>. Tom is helping me navigate the waterways of separation-land, since he has been treading through it for some time now. Let me tell you, it's comforting to know I have guide for this tour.</p><p>The drama is just beginning. On the day <i>The Dick</i> left, he received a fix-it ticket for a broken tail-light. Of course, he failed to fix the problem or pay the fine, and now there is a bench warrant out for his arrest, and his license has been revoked. I'm sure somehow this will all be my fault, and I am bracing myself for the ride back home. As you might of guessed, that's up in the air now.</p><p>I'm ready to travel, I'm anxious to see my children and sleep in my own bed, and <i>The Dick</i> is making excuses for why he can't make the return trip. I'm trying to hold out because I'm ready to hand him a demand for support, which I want him to sign, and I have my speech all prepared. </p><p>My nerves? I'm still working on them, but if I could handle the who surgery, I figure I should be able to handle <i>The Dick</i>.</p> contemplating divorce health and body mind and spirit sex and love wiveswire Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:30:00 -0400 Randie Thomas 3536 at