First Wives World - Sincere — Or Just Sin? - Comments Comments for "Sincere — Or Just Sin?" en It's a lot to take. You will <p>It's a lot to take. You will do the right thing.</p> <p>CM</p> Fri, 12 Oct 2007 09:37:34 -0400 Guest comment 2782 at Sincere — Or Just Sin? When I ended my conversation with Levi I was so emotionally drained I could hardly move. I mean, I was in shock. He had just done something that I never thought he would ever do: apologize — for real.<p>All kinds of crazy thoughts were racing through my mind. I wanted to believe him — I really did — but look at all he's done to me! I kept thinking, what could he possibly be up to?</p><p>I went back and forth all night. Maybe he's for real, maybe he's finally &quot;seen the light.&quot; Maybe, maybe he's trying to manipulate me to that I drop the court proceeding, and once that's dropped he'll go right back to the person he was before. Do leopards change their spots?</p><p>Then I started thinking about his family. About how horrible his mother is. I kept thinking that if I allow Levi back in, and allow him to know his son — which I think would be the right thing to do — that I am allowing these people, these horrible cold people back into my life, and into Adrian's life. How am I going to deal with that?</p><p>I finally decided that I needed to stop obsessing on it. It will be what it will be, and for right now I feel better giving him the benefit of the doubt and allowing him to prove himself through his actions.</p> wiveswire Thu, 11 Oct 2007 18:00:00 -0400 Faith Eggers 3498 at