First Wives World - The Bartered Bride - Comments Comments for "The Bartered Bride" en The Bartered Bride Fellow blogger Vicky Emerson wrote a piece last week <a href="/moving_beyond_divorce/blog_entry/my_ex_beat_me_altar">about her ex remarrying</a>. I found a great deal of amusement in this, as my ex has also remarried. I've also heard stories from friends with remarried exes. While none of this is shocking — people marry and remarry all the time — I can't help but notice a few things in the re-telling:<ol><li>The ex can't seem to spread the news fast enough — almost as if to gloat.</li><li>Oftentimes, the male remarries first — not all the time, but often enough to detect a trend.</li><li>Usually this new marriage happens soon after the divorce.</li></ol><p>I found out that my ex remarried through my ex-mother-in-law. We kept up correspondence for a while after the split. I thought she was a genuinely nice person, but I soon found out that she was merely pumping me for information to feed to her son. </p><p>Whatever.</p><p>The news came to me on December 23, 2003. The calendar year was drawing to a close, and I was a few days away from taking my first trip out of the country. I was feeling pretty good about life. </p><p>The conversation was pretty typical for the season, all the normal holiday talk: plans, how's the family, etc. There was nothing unusual in this conversation, until she dropped the bomb. &quot;Ken's remarried. His wedding was last month&quot; she said, almost too eagerly.</p><p>&quot;Good for him,&quot; was my initial response. Inside I was fuming...</p> mind and spirit moving beyond divorce sex and love wiveswire Thu, 11 Oct 2007 08:30:00 -0400 Akillah Wali 3479 at