First Wives World - My Ex Beat Me To The Altar - Comments Comments for "My Ex Beat Me To The Altar" en fairly good terms... <p>do you talk often?</p> Fri, 05 Oct 2007 09:14:20 -0400 Guest comment 2675 at thank you! <p>is he codependent..check...<br /> he can't be alone...check...<br /> am i more happy now...CHECK!<br /> thanks for the post!</p> <p>:)<br /> vicky</p> Fri, 05 Oct 2007 09:13:31 -0400 Guest comment 2674 at Needy <p>Sounds like the man is codependent and unable to stand being alone (go figure, he can't even live with himself - he needs the veil of another body to soften the blow).</p> <p>Congratulations to you for taking the necessary time to be (and do for) yourself!! Trust me, in the end you will be happier and more content than he could ever know.</p> Mon, 01 Oct 2007 23:49:56 -0400 ajw2126 comment 2613 at Better it's someone else- <p>Better it's someone else- been there- done that!</p> <p>CM</p> Fri, 28 Sep 2007 16:00:00 -0400 Guest comment 2564 at Ex getting married... <p>I don't have any pearls of wisdom but I did want to write that I too had the same feeling about my ex when he mentioned his girl friends. I really felt sorry for them because they had to put up with his controlling ways. Although we are on fairly good terms, I am soooo happy I'm not married to him.</p> Fri, 28 Sep 2007 14:46:24 -0400 Guest comment 2558 at My Ex Beat Me To The Altar Last time, I wrote about my ex <a href="/moving_beyond_divorce/blog_entry/evil_exs_new_phone">calling me about a credit problem</a>. Because of the situation, I had to call him back. <p>I prepared myself, and pushed &quot;Evil Ex's New Phone.&quot; It rang a few times, and I silently prayed &quot;voicemail-voicemail-voicemail!&quot; But, I'm never that lucky. </p><p>He answered, and I explained quickly what I had found to fix the issue. I tried to get to &quot;take care and goodbye!&quot; as quickly as I could. Before I could get it out, he interrupted me. </p><p>&quot;Oh, <i>by the way</i>, I got married.&quot; </p><p>I stuttered and said, &quot;Congratulations&quot; — in my head it was &quot;Good luck and hope she can put up with your bullshit.&quot; He thanked me, and started rambling about their wedding and honeymoon. I interrupted him and said that I had to go. He sounded irked, but I couldn't have cared less. So, I said my &quot;take care and goodbye&quot; and hung up the phone. </p><p>I wish I could say that I felt something about his big news, but to be honest, I didn't feel anything — except pity for his poor bride. There isn't a rule book for this type of thing, so I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is normal or not. Any words of wisdom out there from <b>First Wives World</b> readers?</p> moving beyond divorce sex and love wiveswire Fri, 28 Sep 2007 09:30:00 -0400 Vicky Emerson 3278 at