firstwivesworld - The D-Word: The Final Straw Before Divorce - Comments Comments for "The D-Word: The Final Straw Before Divorce" en The final straw... When I came home from a trip and one of our dogs had left poo marks on the bed sheets ...they were on his side, but still, I knew that was the end. Fri, 10 Oct 2008 16:22:56 -0400 Guest comment 6380 at Married and frustrated... I don't think I ever had a final straw. It may have been easier if there was. Instead, there was just a low ebb of frustration. I just chose an arbitrary day and moved out. Tue, 07 Oct 2008 15:20:24 -0400 Guest comment 6350 at how do I know I'm ready for divorce? You really just have to listen to yourself and your emotions. If you feel unhealthy in the relationship, or suppressed, not loved ... then listen to those feelings. Mon, 06 Oct 2008 12:54:09 -0400 Guest comment 6323 at When to choose divorce instead of staying married When to choose divorce instead of staying married -- this is a choice that is soo difficult!! Reading the comments of others and listening to the video here really helped me to realize that he won't change until I cause change him to change. Maybe ten years from now he'll realize what an ass he's been and he'll regret treating his children (and me) the way he has. By then, it will be too late - In fact, it already is too late. Thanks for helping me see that it definately is time to just move on. Mon, 06 Oct 2008 11:18:38 -0400 Guest comment 6319 at My final Straw Was When my husband met a new friend and his wife. I did not like these people and had a bad feeling about them every time I was around them. My husband really enjoyed time with these people and I promised my husband that I would try to become friends with them. One night while we were all hanging around their house, playing darts, my husband felt comfortable with his friends wife to pat her behind and whisper in her ear. I made mention of this behavior and he said I was just jealous and nothing was going on. Well needless to say her husband divorced her because of this relationship. I have proof that they became more then friends and this would not be the first affair my husband had. I knew with this incident that his behavior would never change and I was chasing a dream. He and his needs came first and I became very unimportant to him. He said that he will be friends with her for the rest of his life and I have no right to tell him who he can and can not be friends with. Sun, 16 Mar 2008 21:27:22 -0400 pita0926 comment 4666 at none none Fri, 14 Mar 2008 09:37:44 -0400 Guest comment 4635 at the "Final Straw".... I still am amazed when I recall this. My ex agreed to see a marriage counselor. By this time, he had a girlfriend he was seeing, and the counselor told him we couldn't proceed with any meaningful couples therapy unless he was willing to commit to not seeing or contacting his girlfriend for 30 days. In the counselors office, right in front of me, he said. "No, I can not commit to doing that. I would miss my girlfriend too much." That was my final straw. We never went back. Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:40:02 -0500 trish55 comment 3650 at The D-Word: The Final Straw Before Divorce Think back to that defining moment. You know, the one where you knew your marriage was over, that all bets were off. Here, the ladies of of "The D-Word" discuss when they knew their marriages had come to an end. What was your last straw? divorce separation support video Mind and Spirit Sex and Love Navigating Divorce Mon, 06 Oct 2008 10:44:58 -0400 The D Word 3129 at