firstwivesworld - Real vs. Fake Authority - Comments Comments for "Real vs. Fake Authority" en I read your post on the 4th I read your post on the 4th and it hit home with me. So much so that I printed it out and have read it a few times since. I've been anxiously awaiting this post since you mentioned it in your last one. Once again you have hit home. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me see that I'm not as "in control" as I thought I was. I am very talented at acting as if I am though! Tue, 11 Dec 2007 20:33:08 -0500 Cathy Meyer comment 3547 at Real vs. Fake Authority <p> Divorce can send you reeling. You may have moved, household items have been divided, routines are broken, families are split, support systems have disappeared. </p><p>It's easy to feel overwhelmed by emotions and the amount of work that needs to be done. Your kids are looking to you for more and you're not sure you can even take care of yourself. You struggle to be in control, go into hyper-drive to get a handle on things and still feel lost and no more in control than when you started, right? That's because<b><i> acting in control is not being in control.</i></b> </p><p><b>The difference is...</b></p> <p><b> </b> Remember <a href="/resource/relevant-articles/dr-fern-kazlow/reclaim-your-personal-power-now">the exercise we did last week</a>? Fake authority leaves you feeling weak, scattered, heavy. You get a sinking feeling. <b><i> Real authority grounds you</i></b>. It gives you a sense of completeness, of peace. Does that mean you won't ever feel overwhelmed or emotional? No. But it does means you won't get stuck or be ruled by emotions or events. Real authority comes from our inner knowledge.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Mind and Spirit Prosperity and Power Navigating Divorce Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:52:53 -0500 Dr. Fern Kazlow 3100 at