firstwivesworld - Not What I&#039;m Looking For - Comments Comments for "Not What I'm Looking For" en I agree... I think Yvonne1973 hit the nail on the head, but if you do want to date right now anyway then you need to learn to trust again and quick or else you are going to drive men crazy! Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:26:43 -0500 susan42 comment 3482 at You need some me time... It sounds like the problem isn't Steve. The problem is you. You are having trust issues and it is because you just came through a big hurtle in your life. You need to take some time off of dating and just invest in you. You are over thinking and over analysing and it is because you are not trusting anyone right now because you feel you can't trust your own decisions right now. Till you can trust yourself you can't trust anyone else so spend some time right now learning to trust yourself again and know understand why you make decisions. Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:09:29 -0500 Yvonne1973 comment 3481 at hi great post Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:42:53 -0500 Guest comment 3478 at Don't over think it It sounds like the problem isn't Steve. The problem is you. You are having trust issues and it is because you just came through a big hurtle in your life. You need to take some time off of dating and just invest in you. You are over thinking and over analysing and it is because you are not trusting anyone right now because you feel you can't trust your own decisions right now. Till you can trust yourself you can't trust anyone else so spend some time right now learning to trust yourself again and know understand why you make decisions. Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:30:24 -0500 Shelly comment 3471 at Not What I'm Looking For <p>I was out with my friends the other night and I got a text from Shawn. It was after midnight and he was letting me know he was back from his trip. He wanted to know if I was out. My motto is always &quot;the more the merrier&quot; so I texted him the address of where we were and told him to come meet us.</p><p>I was talking to a very cute guy and realized that I really didn't want Shawn to come. I hadn't spoken to his since our &quot;date&quot; and didn't think the time of his text was really that respectful. I called him and told him she should catch up another time — I said my friends were leaving and I had to be up early — both of which were true. </p><p>He asked me to stay and said he was only around the corner. I was annoyed but agreed to wait. We had a drink at the bar and I was a bit aloof. He mentioned he got back from his trip two days before. I probably rolled my eyes and told him that I really didn't think it was appropriate to call me so late when he had two days to make plans. We live in a technologically advanced era — phones and e-mail both work on business trips. </p><p>I didn't think I was being unreasonable. I told him I had to head home. I was cranky in the cab and a bit over it, so I was completely honest. I explained that I wasn't expecting miracles from anyone, but that <a href="/community/house-bloggers/michelle-rosenthal/how-do-i-respond">the comment he made about marriage and family</a> was very candid. </p><p>I knew that we had only gone out once but I had to be honest as well. I told him that I wasted over six years with someone who didn't want the same things I did. I didn't want to waste any more time with someone now who doesn't share my desire to have a family. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> dating again moving beyond divorce Sex and Love Kids and Family Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 06 Dec 2007 09:00:00 -0500 Michelle Rosenthal 3014 at