firstwivesworld - Sign Or Coincidence? What Do You Think? - Comments Comments for "Sign Or Coincidence? What Do You Think?" en Kind of Spooky It is likely a coincidence. But if it isn't and people who have the same birthdays have somehting in common maybe it means he has the positive qualities you saw in your ex without the negative. I have trouble believing in horoscopes but I must admit there are pretty spooky circumstances on birthdays. In a firm I was in the guy in the next office who did the same work as me had the same birthday as me. At a firm party someone made a bet there would be two people with the same birthday other than the two of us because the number of people there suggested that there should be. There were no other people who did. I moved to another town and took over the practice of another lawyer, having no idea what her birthday was. It is the day after mine. People often say our similiarities are spooky and call me by her name. I say that I must have absorbed her personality from her office. By the way we are Scorpios Sun, 08 Jun 2008 01:07:17 -0400 elainemarleneforbes comment 5677 at Signs I'm a gemini-soon to be ex-husband is a libra, new boyfriend is libra too. Just watch yourself, gather what you have learned from your ex and start psychoanalyzing your relationship and remember why you left. I left because my husband was emotionally blackmailing me and now I know that he had abandonment issues with his mother. My current new boyfriend has sort of the same issues but he's not blaming me, we are sorting them out together, I don't know what the future brings but I have to give him the benefit of the doubt as long as he sees what the problem is and I don't fall into the same patterns-it's a slippery slope. Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:14:23 -0400 Guest comment 5251 at Relax----that's not Relax----that's not something I would even begin to worry about. It's merely a coincidence. Mon, 18 Feb 2008 10:37:28 -0500 Guest comment 4359 at limiting yourself According to the World Fact Book there are 301139947 in the United States alone (assuming that's where you live). If you divide this number by 365 days in a year, and then suppose you divide that by two (to try and separate out females at 50%) you are limiting yourself by negating up to 412,520.47 men who share the same birthday. But then, I don't believe in birth signs and absolute personality traits. I think it limits people and places them in a box. Mind you, this is very loose math (total number of population/number of days in the year/2 sexes) Sun, 27 Jan 2008 21:18:11 -0500 Gwyn comment 4136 at don't make any hasty decisios just because of a date. i'm leaning towards, it's a coincidence... Fri, 18 Jan 2008 16:22:52 -0500 Guest comment 3980 at I had two long term I had two long term relationships before I married. The first lasted 4 years and it was a BAD break-up. I then met a guy who I liked and had the same birthday as my last boyfriend. They were both scorpios...I should have paid attention! I didn't though and the second relationship lasted nearly 5 years. It ended badly also and for pretty much the same reasons the first one ended. Then I met my now, ex husband. He had the same birthday as my BIL. I love my BIL but I don't like him. He has some character traits that really get under my skin. Once again I thought it was just a fluke that I had met a man who had the same birthday of another man in my life that I either had a bad relationship with or had, had a bad relationship with. Fluke or sign, one of the first things I ask a man I'm interested in is when his birthday is. I'm playing it safe from here on out...when it comes to birthdays anyway. Tue, 11 Dec 2007 21:23:23 -0500 Cathy Meyer comment 3548 at Keep thinking about it To me, the guy having the same birthday as my ex wouldn't be a big deal--but my feeling that it was a sign would. What I mean is, think about why you were so blown away by the same birthday thing. Maybe there are other things about this new guy that remind you of Levi as well. Is the rapport you are feeling because of a feeling of familiarity--like putting on a comfortable pair of old gloves? I am not saying that this is the case, or that you should immediately get rid of this new guy--but keep thinking and paying attention to your gut as girltest suggests to determine if there are other signs that you initially missed. If yes, be on your way, if no, then maybe the birthday thing is not a big deal. Sun, 09 Dec 2007 11:09:29 -0500 pamelaA comment 3512 at hmmmm I don't know. It seems like a sign, if you look at things that way. But - - - - don't ignore your gut. Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:32:54 -0500 girltest comment 3474 at Sign Or Coincidence? What Do You Think? <p>After a year of being single and going on dates that don't go anywhere, I've met someone that I seem to have a rapport with. I only met him a few weeks ago, so its much to early to tell — we're still very much so into the &quot;discovery phase&quot;. However, I don't have many — or really any — complaints so far. That's a huge thing for me.</p> <p>He's smart — that's really important to me, so I'm very happy about that. In my opinion there's nothing worse than going out with somebody that you can not have a deep and intellectual conversation with. He's funny — I like that too. He likes kids — obviously, that's something that's very important to me. Like me, like my son. Period.</p> <p>There's one thing though, that's really screwing me up. It's pretty unimportant, but he and Levi share the same birthday. When I found that out, it blew my mind. I mean seriously, how weird is that? Initially, I was so freaked out, I just put it aside. I mean, a date is just a date — there are thousands of people that share the same birthday. That's like saying I wouldn't date someone again if they were named Levi — actually, I probably wouldn't! — but a name is just a name, right?</p> <p>Of course — since I can't keep anything to myself — I posed the question to my friends, asking them what they thought. The answer was unanimous all the way around. Wow, they all said, that's just way too weird.</p> <p>My aunt said, &quot;If there were ever a sign, that's it &quot;.</p> <p>Signs — not something that I can really say I've ever given much thought too — but maybe I should have. Look at all of the other &quot;signs&quot; I've missed along the way.</p> <p>What do you think? Should I break it off simply because they share the same birthday?</p> Ask the Community Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 05 Dec 2007 16:00:00 -0500 Faith Eggers 3010 at