firstwivesworld - Break-Ups Lead to Eco Breakdown - Comments Comments for "Break-Ups Lead to Eco Breakdown" en Break-Ups Lead to Eco Breakdown We all know we should reduce, reuse, and recycle. We know should car pool, take the bus, or ride a bike. But should we stay together for the sake of the environment? <p>A couple divorcing usually means division of assets and two separate households. A study which took place in 12 countries was just released examining the impact separate households have on our environment. Researchers found that use of electricity rose 53 percent, while water usage increased 42 percent. In the US alone, 73 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity were used in 2005 that would not have been used if couples had stayed together.</p> <p>Each parent with visitation rights has to find a place that will not only house themselves, but has room for the kids as well. That means children with two bedrooms, two beds, two sets of furniture, two sets of clothes — the whole deal. </p> <p>Obviously, expecting people to stay together for the sake of the environment is ridiculous and bordering on ludicrous. But it certainly gives you something to think about. Some habits we can change, some we can't. Perhaps this will give us all cause to think about the things we can change to offset the damage we're doing to our environment. Maybe Junior doesn't need that second Chicken Dance Elmo after all.</p> <p>Click <a href="">here</a> for more.</p> children of divorce divorce community divorce information divorce news divorce statistics moving beyond divorce Kids and Family Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 04 Dec 2007 12:00:00 -0500 Naomi Dunne 2987 at