firstwivesworld - Rev Up Your Small Business - Comments Comments for "Rev Up Your Small Business" en Interesting Ladies- Ann Tardy broke up a marriage when the wife was 7 mos. preganant with her second child. Do you really want to take her advice? Very interesting choice of "expert" advice, no? Tue, 06 May 2008 21:15:09 -0400 Guest comment 5344 at Ann Tardy is a homewrecker This woman broke up a marriage. I wouldn't believe a word she says. She lies for a living and in her personal life too! Wed, 30 Jan 2008 17:25:00 -0500 Guest comment 4170 at Rev Up Your Small Business <p>The organizer of a networking group for women entrepreneurs spouts a lot of statistics about how women are starting businesses at twice the rate of men and that nationwide, women own more than 10.6 million businesses. </p><p>Her statistics appear, on the surface, to reflect a progression of women's economic power in this country, but the reality is not so bright. Most women in her group are attempting to turn non-profitable hobbies into businesses on their own dime and their own time, and most end up shelving the business in search of a regular paycheck.</p><p>Women entrepreneurs are stuck in a pink ghetto. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, almost 50% of all women-owned businesses generate less than $10,000 in revenue (not even profit) annually. This is not nearly enough money for a business to sustain itself, let alone the owner. </p><p>In addition, according to the SBA, women business owners are more likely to use personal credit cards to start or grow their businesses, thereby damaging their personal financial situation. Additionally, over half of all women-owned businesses are concentrated in the service sector, a sector that is traditionally difficult to scale.</p><p>What can women do to beat the statistics? Think about starting a scalable business. Think leverage. Think bigger. Focus on scaling the business, growing revenues, hiring employees. Use someone else's money to do it — use small business grants, loans or angel investments. Look beyond exchanging time for money and consider building something. </p><p>Granted, we should celebrate the fact that women are building businesses to generate their own income. However, until women entrepreneurs learn to incorporate growth strategies, financing and new industries into their plans, they will continue to be stuck in their own pink ghetto of small, service-oriented, hobby-like businesses.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Mind and Spirit Money and Finance Career and Pursuits Moving Beyond Divorce Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:39:41 -0500 Ann Tardy 211 at