firstwivesworld - First Wives World: Australia? - Comments Comments for "First Wives World: Australia?" en Wives going global <p>Well done. It's quite obvious that divorce ain't just for the Manhattanites... It's global folks.<br /> So what to do? Is it time start "First Wives Clubs"? Where can you take us next?</p> Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:26:28 -0400 Guest comment 2117 at First Wives World: Australia? <p>Yes, divorce is everywhere! I'm sure you've noticed the media is overflowing with trend stories about divorce, celebrity and other high-profile splits, financial and legal tips and coping strategies from experts.<b> </b>With divorce so prevalent, <b>First Wives World's </b>influence reaches far and wide. Case in point: A reader in Melbourne, Australia has written to <b>First Wives World </b>to find out how to set up a &quot;chapter&quot; in her city!</p><p>Mary Dettman writes that she's been divorced for 11 years and hasn't found a suitable partner: &quot;Is there a First Wives World in Melbourne. If there is not, could I set up a club and how do I go about this?&quot;</p><p>Great questions Mary. We've observed divorce rates escalating in <a href="node/1359">Austalia</a>, <a href="node/1270">China</a>, <a href="node/1426">India </a>and just about everywhere in the world. We've been blogging on these stories on a regular basis and we know that women are looking for resources, partners, entertainment and support! <br /> </p><p>Stay tuned. <b>First Wives World</b> will be creating a system to facilitate offline &quot;clubs&quot; and meetup groups for you to engage with one another. We look forward to sharing our plans with all of you. And thanks Mary, for writing! </p> Ask the Community Leisure and Fun Contemplating Divorce Navigating Divorce Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:20:23 -0400 Katherine McKee 1457 at