firstwivesworld - Sex With The Ex - Comments Comments for "Sex With The Ex" en It crosses my mind I sometimes think of my husband , we are separated.I miss him ,we have a young child together,I have not been with anyone else yet. We are not together because he wanted to see other women and an main factor , he has a Lovechiild with another woman.,so that kills the intimate feelings for sex with him in a instant. Iam torn with fantasy and reality.But deep in my heart I still want him. Fri, 09 May 2008 18:44:11 -0400 Guest comment 5412 at And that's your advice? <p>Susan Z - you're a sicko or you should write a book. You're either too weird for me to take you seriously or you got something to offer that I need. Maybe you can send me your phone number or something? Are you still fooling around with your Ex? </p> <p>In any case, it wouldn't work well with my ex. He really showed himself to be totally anal retentive. All he was interested in was my ass.<br /> JenL</p> Thu, 05 Jul 2007 17:44:06 -0400 Guest comment 667 at Haven't you learned? <p>Come on Jen. Why did you get "suckered" in again? At least be determined to be pleasurized the way YOU want to and he can take it or leave it It's a whole new experience my dear when you set the rules for love making --- if he's horney enough, he's yours if you stay strong --- the trick is not to let him switch roles once he gets to where he can't wait any longer - he can and you make sure he does - he'll learn a new meaning of what its like to become a "self made man."<br /> SusanZ</p> Thu, 05 Jul 2007 17:34:38 -0400 Guest comment 665 at Sex with an Ex <p>If you follow my experience and advice, I'd definitely X sex with an an ex hubby and I don't mean hard core getting it on. The familiarity quickly returned to what turned HIM on and patterns were soon to repeat. Even when I now feel the urge for sex, I'd rather do me than engage my body with my ex. Let's get real - we didn't separate and divorce for nothing. Too embarrassed to try to share with you all what he wanted me to do on the last round. I'm cured for life of this.<br /> JenL</p> Thu, 05 Jul 2007 17:21:31 -0400 Guest comment 664 at Sex With The Ex <p><font face="sans-serif" size="2">I was reading a Q&amp;A in <i>The Buffalo News</i> inquiring about sex with an ex and how that works once you’ve split up and if there are kids involved. It got me thinking as to whether it’s ever a good idea to get involved again, on any level (emotionally or physically) with an ex.<br /><br />The “sexpert” seemed to think it was risky to return to sex with an ex, especially if you have kids together. Kids (even 18-year-olds) can get the wrong idea and think you’re getting back together. But what if you find comfort in the familiarity of your ex, post-divorce? And what if there’s no one else at the moment?</font></p><p><font face="sans-serif" size="2">Even if you keep it to yourselves, this type of arrangement can be dangerous. Someone is bound to get hurt and the situation might damage custody arrangements and make things worse than they were at the point of divorce.<br /><br />Even without kids, opening yourself up to sex with the ex might feel tantalizing for a moment, but honestly, doesn’t it damage your self-esteem? I mean why did you get the divorce in the first place?<br /><br />An ex is an ex for a reason, right? Tell us what you think.<br /></font></p><p><a href="">Click here</a> for more. </p><font face="sans-serif" size="2"></font> Ask the Community Mind and Spirit Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 05 Jul 2007 10:51:31 -0400 Katherine McKee 1248 at